5. Many appliances will be run by fuzzy logic chips , which tolerate imprecision . B. An interactive video merges graphics ... D. Some educators are pressing for extensive computer education in schools because they believe that in the ...
Jay Levinson is Managing Curator of the National Gallery in Washington , D.C. At the beginning of 1988 Levinson began the design , development , and implementation of an exhibit for the Gallery to commemorate the 500th anniversary of ...
Computers and Society: The Technology and Its Social Implications
A revolution has taken place. A technical revolution which pervades every aspect of life: work, leisure, the office, and home. Despite the fact that few areas of life remain untouched...
Projects future developments in the exploding computer technology and suggests safeguards for society. Glossary.
5 ) Electronic sweatshops A ) are increasingly located across national borders . B ) may soon decline in number ... B ) Many displaced workers don't have the education or skills to program computers , design robots , or read printouts .
Computers and Society: The Technology and Its Social Implications
This Second Edition of The Social Impact of Computers serves as a guide to the social implications of current and future applications of computers. Beginning with three chapters of basic...
Computers and End-user Software: Test Bank
Instructor's Manual with Test Bank and Transparency Masters to Accompany Management, Concepts and Effective Practices: Manual