Cost Accounting provides comprehensive coverage of cost accounting principles and techniques in short learning segments that make it easier for students to learn and understand the material. In addition to a clear, concise writing style, carefully planned organization, and numerous illustrations, this new edition now offers an even more attractive design that enhances learning while maintaining student interest. A spreadsheet applications disk can be packaged with the text.
In Cost Accounting For Dummies, you’ll be taken step-by-step through the basic and advanced topics found in a typical cost accounting class, from how to define costs and how to allocate them to products or services.
Cost Accounting 101 find out how cost accounting relates to other areas of accounting, which types of costs are most important, and step-by-step explanations on cost-volume-profit and activity-based costing Plan for it take a stroll through ...
Cost Accounting; a Managerial Emphasis
Written for the cost accounting course at the third level, this book should appeal to professors who see cost accounting as a cost information process to make more informed managerial...
Theory in Cost Accounting
Cost Accounting & Management Essentials You Always Wanted To Know covers Cost Accounting concepts and application to real-life business decisions.
Cost Accounting: Principles And Practice
Cost Accounting Problems (With Full Solutions)
Alexander, B., A. Britton and A. Jorissen (2014) International Financial Reporting and Analysis, 6th edition (Cengage). ... Endenich, C., M. Brandau and A. Hoffjan (2011) 'Two Decades of Research on Comparative Management Accounting ...
In other words cost is the driver of all the income and expenditure statements. Costs appear everywhere be it in financial accounting, management accounting and in cost accounting governed by its principles.