Manual for management and operation of nonprofit organizations in the USA - covers business organization and corporate principles, leadership and control, personnel management and financial management, public relations practice, tax exemption status, etc. References.
Rabinowitz examines the experience, operational practices, and future prospects of philanthropists who have been involved in funding national campaigns and grassroots organizations that focus on social change concerns over the past 30 years ...
The company gives priority to organizations that enhance conservation of energy and natural resources and environmental education efforts . " “ United Way is supported extensively by the company and its employees through annual ...
Reprinted by permission of Society for Nonprofit Organizations , 6314 Odana Road , Suite 1 , Madison , WI 53719 ( 1-800-424-7367 ) . 1. Situation analysis answers the question " Where are you ? " by providing a realistic view of the ...
One group that stepped up early to describe and report ratios designed to take advantage of this new information was Crawford and Associates , P.C. , which developed a financial analysis and rating tool to use in measuring a ...
Verba , S. , K. L. Schlozman , and H. E. Brady . ( 1995 ) . Voice and Equality : Civic Voluntarism in American Politics . London : Harvard University Press . Vigoda , E. ( 2000a ) . Internal politics in public administration systems ...
[102]有关“无关宗旨商业活动”的详细解释,可见[美]贝希·布查尔特·艾德勒、大卫·艾维特、英格里德·米特梅尔:《通行规则:美国慈善法指南》(2007年第2版),金锦萍、朱卫国、周虹译,中国社会出版社2007年版,第七章。[103]“理事会资源”组织(BoardSource)是一家 ...
四明鞋庄在药王街39号,前身为胡桂生的胡顺兴鞋店,创立于1919年。胡桂生为鞋业帮工出身,清末自创小店,由于为人忠厚,喜帮忙,被长沙鞋业本帮公会选为大爷。1933年,胡桂生与他人合伙,将房屋重新建造,创立四明鞋庄。因年老多病,由胡炳乾子承父业, ...
The Shadow State: Government and Voluntary Sector in Transition
Election years pose a unique opportunity and challenge to nonprofit organizations and community groups as they struggle to advance their issues in a crowded news environment, and amplify the voices...
This practical guide offers a realistic approach to strategic management, while borrowing from the most helpful and relevant business ideas, allows the public or nonprofit organization to achieve success without...