A presentation of environmental science for non-science majors which emphasizes critical thinking, environmental responsibility, and global awareness. It provides an introductory global view of essential themes in environmental science along with emphasis on details and case studies that help students process and retain the general principles.
Benton, T. (1991) 'Biology and Social Science: Why the Return of the Repressed Should be Given a (Cautious) Welcome', ... Cooper, D. and Palmer, J. (eds) (1992) The Environment in Question: Ethics andGlobal Issues,London: Routledge.
Literacy is over 95 % , almost all villages have access to school and modern health services , and women have achieved high offices in the land and are as well educated as the men . Even though Kerala must be considered a poor country ...
Introduction to Environmental Science: Earth and Man provides a comprehensive and fully integrated interdisciplinary introduction to our planet, covering the complex interactions between chemistry, physics, biology, geology, hydrology, ...
"With this volume, we aim to meet the needs of instructors who favor a more succinct and afford-able book.
"Environment: The Science Behind the Stories 7e is written for an introductory environmental science course for non-science majors.
Environment: The Science behind the Stories continues to revolutionize the environmental science course.
Themes of the Times on the Environment, Vol 1
Jay Withgott wants students to feel empowered, to feel that their actions can make a difference -- from measuring their own ecological footprint to understanding the impact of society upon the environment. - Back cover.
Jay H. Withgott, Scott R. Brennan, New York Times Staff. AVERAGE ANNUAL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in 2004 WORKERS ENTERING ON H - 2A VISAS in 2004 526,000 est . 22,141 Sources : Pew Hispanic Center , U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ...
"With this volume, we aim to meet the needs of instructors who favor a more succinct and afford-able book.