A textbook for a two-semester general course in typewriting for the secondary school. Includes formatting of correspondence, reports, tables, and other forms.
Gregg Typing for Colleges: Lessons 76-150
Gregg Typing for Colleges: Complete Course
Gregg Typing for Colleges: Intensive Course
GDP/11 is an integrated keyboarding system designed to process and score documents created in Microsoft Word. Together, the book and software systematically lead students through each lesson to provide an easy path to success.
Gregg Typing, Basic Refresher: A Gregg Text-Kit for Adults Education
Strong enhancements to the book while maintaining key elements support the cohesive program's strong content. Skillbuilding is reinforced with MAP+ (Misstroke Analysis and Prescription).
Keyboarding: Adapted from Gregg College Typing, Series Six
The ninth edition of this industry leader provides a highly flexible format on CD-ROM that will work with your current computer setup.
Gregg College Typing, Series Six: Intensive Course
Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing for Microcomputers, Complete Course