Widely acknowledged as the "bible" of digital audio for both professional designers and engineering students, "Principles of Digital Audio" has been updated and expanded to introduce both audio and computer users to the myriad new technologies that are now transforming the field.
The Case of the Late Great Kaboom!
Volume I references Music Production and Audio Engineering written by Award winning Veteran Producer Tony Dofat with over 25 years of experience and knowledge.
Listening by Design
声音的自然疗法: 用音乐与声音自我治疗
Learn about the different materials that are found in the world, from materials in the ground, to plant materials, to man-made materials.
What Makes the Sound?: Student's resource book
What Makes the Sound?: Display
A little dog goes to the country and hears the sounds of donkeys, squirrels, turkeys, owls, crickets, pigs, and frogs.
primarily shipping audio packages in your business, you may want to pack them in CD and DVD cardboard mailers specifically designed for mailing audio packages. I find these cardboard mailers easy to use and a good protector of packed ...