They may say, "I'll get back to you", but let's face it, they seldom do! In a world filled with answering machines, voice mail, and gatekeepers, it's difficult to get a phone call returned. It doesn't have to be that way. The authors have tapped the wisdom and resourcefulness of business leaders, super salespeople, and high-profile celebrities, including Walter Cronkite; Joan Rivers; Mary Kay Ash; and Hardwick Simmons, CEO of Prudential Securities. Discover what they and more than 100 other high achievers do to guarantee a returned phone call every time! Now you can finally generate callbacks from those hard-to-get-through-to people who are so discriminating about which calls they return. I'll Get Back to You will increase your productivity and make your life easier as it shows you how to get past secretaries, assistants, and others who keep you from reaching the boss; incorporate humor to get decision-makers on the phone; use technological gatekeepers such as faxes, answering machines, and E-mail to your advantage; create an irresistible sense of urgency that assures a quickly returned call; make an ally out of the most headstrong or unfriendly gatekeeper; and generate an air of importance that puts your call on the VIP's "must-return" list.