Offering material on game theory and strategic behaviour, this microeconomics textbook has added chapters on game applications, systems competition, information technology and auctions.
Intermediate Microeconomics
The author provides helpful notes on how to adapt the book to your course.
In addition to online homework, the texts now include four-color graphs and new interactive animations.
A short, rigorous introduction to intermediate microeconomic theory that offers worked-out examples, tools for solving exercises, and algebra support. This book takes a concise, example-filled approach to intermediate microeconomic theory.
This second edition continues to present all the standard topics in microeconomics, with calculus, concisely, clearly and with a sense of humor.
This proven text uses a managerial focus and includes relevant applications and strong examples as well as step-by-step video problems, an algebraic approach, and activities that allow you to learn by doing.
This best-selling text is still the most modern presentation of the subject. The Varian approach gives students tools they can use on exams, in the rest of their classes, and in their careers after graduation.
This unique text uses Microsoft Excel® workbooks to instruct students.
The most modern and authoritative text--now with online homework