Statistics for Engineers and Scientists stands out for its crystal clear presentation of applied statistics. Suitable for a one or two semester course, the book takes a practical approach to methods of statistical modeling and data analysis that are most often used in scientific work.
This edition features a unique approach highlighted by an engaging writing style that explains difficult concepts clearly, along with the use of contemporary real world data sets, to help motivate students and show direct connections to ...
While focusing on practical applications of statistics, the text makes extensive use of examples to motivate fundamental concepts and to develop intuition.
Students using this text should have the equivalent of the completion of one semester of differential and integral calculus.
This applied book for engineers and scientists, written in a non-theoretical manner, focuses on underlying principles that are important in a wide range of disciplines. It emphasizes...
This latest edition is also available in as an enhanced Pearson eText. This exciting new version features an embedded version of StatCrunch, allowing students to analyze data sets while reading the book.
Reviews fundamental concepts and applications of probability and statistics. After a general overview, it considers special types of random variables, using examples which illustrate their wide variety of applications. Also...
As reported by Lipsitz, Dear, Laird, and Molenberghs in a 1998 paper in Biometrics, the result of this was that 39 of the 72 patients given the first treatment and 44 of the 84 patients given the second treatment survived for over 5 ...
This concise book for engineering and sciences students emphasizes modern statistical methodology and data analysis.
The probability density function is a bell-shaped curve that is symmetric about a. The notation X ~ No. 02) denotes that the random variable X has a normal distribution with mean ,u. and variance 02. In addition, the random variable X ...
Principles of Statistics for Engineers and Scientists