For use in an introductory circuit analysis or circuit theory course, this text presents circuit analysis in a clear manner, with many practical applications. It demonstrates the principles, carefully explaining each step.
Presenting circuit analysis in a manner that is easier to understand, this title offers a balance of theory, worked and extended examples, practice problems, and real-world applications, combined with over 468 new or changed homework ...
Extracted from the highly successful Foundations of Electrical Engineering by the same author, this book designed for a non-major, one-semester course with coverage of electric circuits, introduces concepts and vocabulary that are defined ...
This book is designed as an introductory course for undergraduate students, in Electrical and Electronic, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Chemical and Petroleum engineering, who need fundamental knowledge of electrical circuits.
This edition retains the Design a Problem feature which helps students develop their design skills by having the student develop the question as well as the solution.
This book presents the subject matter in a clear and concise manner with numerous diagrams and examples
This text presents the basics of electrical engineering from the perspective of the primary principles behind the subject, rather than dwelling on superficial details.
Robust media offerings, renders this text to be the most comprehensive and student-friendly approach to linear circuit analysis out there.
This textbook explains the fundamentals of electric circuits and uses the transfer function as a tool to analyze circuits, systems, and filters.
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
A concise and original presentation of the fundamentals for ‘new to the subject’ electrical engineers This book has been written for students on electrical engineering courses who don’t necessarily possess prior knowledge of ...