This is the only introductory statistics text written specifically for health science students. Assuming no prerequisites other than high school algebra, the authors provide numerous examples from health settings, a wealth of helpful learning aids, as well as hundreds of exercises to help students succeed in the course.
... 158–160 stacked 94–95 Batson, M. 235 Begg, C. 433 Bell, B.G. 309, 326 Belsky, J. 309, 326 between-groups research ... 300, 411 Pearson 293, 300 X2 goodness-of-fit test 298–300 in SPSS 300–301 chi-square test 8, 411, 488–489 Chronic ...
Using a color format throughout, the book contains engaging figures that illustrate real data sets from published research. Examples come from many area
Statistics for Health Sciences /cSean Saunders
L Molenberghs, G., 166 Montgomery, D. C., 111 Morris, C., 364 Mosteller, F., 168 Mudholkar, G. S., 308 Mueller, B. U., ... 203 Liu, C., 201 Liu, J. S., 202, 364 Liu, S., 239, 254 Lloyd, C. J., 185 Lorden, G., 114, 124, 125 Louis, T. A., ...
The purpose of this book is to provide members of medical and other professions, including scientists and engineers, with a basic understanding of statistics and probability together with an explanation and worked examples of the techniques ...
"... this text takes a novel approach.
Basic Statistics for Medical and Health Sciences
The main test for association we will look at is called Pearson's correlation . In principle Pearson's correlation should be used with interval ratio scale data . Pearson's correlation can also be used for data gathered on the ordinal ...
5.6.1: Weighted Mean The weighted mean is defined as follows (Kish 1965; Lee & Forthofer 2006; SAS Institute, 2008a: 6487; StataCorp 2009d: 1024):13 (5.3) where n is the sample size, i represents each individual case, Y i are the values ...
The interested reader can consult one of many mathematical statistics textbooks, for example, Larsen and Marx (1) or Rice (2). In the sections that follow, some of the more frequently encountered sampling distributions are discussed.