Ottawa: Paterson Centre, Carleton University. ice sheet A large dome-shaped glacier (over 50,000 km2 in area) with a generally outward and radial flow of ice. On a continental scale such ice sheets can exceed a thickness of 4 km, ...
Tyler Boyes/Shutterstock. Sergey Lavrentev/Shutterstock. Tyler Boyes/Shutterstock. Jorg Hackemann/Shutterstock. Quing Ding/Shutterstock, Jose Gil/ Shutterstock, Kevin Schafer/Alamy. senk/Shutterstock. Image courtesy of The Detroit News ...
Entries removed from the last edition are available in the online resource. This volume is the essential reference point for students of physical geography and related environmental disciplines, lecturers and interested individuals alike.
Beautifully written and thoroughly revised by one of the foremost geographers in the field, Introducing Physical Geography, Fourth Edition, builds upon the decades of success of Strahler geography texts while...
The text is a valuable reference for geographers and readers interested in physical geography.
ESSENTIALS OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY emphasizes three essential themes to demonstrate the major roles for the discipline--Geography as Physical Science, Geography as Spatial Science, and Geography as Environmental Science. With a...
Physical Geography Manual
Introduction to Physical Geography
Alfred Lothar Wegener was the first ... By the 1960s, geological research conducted by Robert S. Dietz, Bruce Heezen, and Harry Hess, along with a rekindling of the theory that includes a driving mechanism by J. Tuzo Wilson, ...
This book is an essential companion to anyone studying, or with an interest in, physical geography.