Franco's "Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 4e" combines theory with real-life applications to deliver a straightforward look at analog design principles and techniques. An emphasis on the physical picture helps the student develop the intuition and practical insight that are the keys to making sound design The book is intended for a design-oriented course in applications with operational amplifiers and analog ICs. It also serves as a comprehensive reference for practicing engineers. This new edition includes enhanced pedagogy (additional problems, more in-depth coverage of negative feedback, more effective layout), updated technology (current-feedback and folded-cascode amplifiers, and low-voltage amplifiers), and increased topical coverage (current-feedback amplifiers, switching regulators and phase-locked loops).
This text illustrates general analog principles and design methodologies using practical devices and applications. It can be used as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in design and applications...
. Finally. Rinaldo Castello shows us how to provide output power with CMOS buffer amplifiers. The combination of class A and AB stages in a multipath nested Miller structure provides the required linearity and bandwidth.
Analog Integrated Circuits: Operational Amplifiers and Analog Multipliers
This proven textbook guides readers to a thorough understanding of the theory and design of operational amplifiers (OpAmps).
Places emphasis on developing intuition and physical insight. This title includes numerous examples and problems that have been carefully thought out to promote problem solving methodologies of the type engineers apply daily on the job.
The bulk of this book is on real-world op amps and their applications; considerations such as thermal effects, circuit noise, circuit buffering, selection of appropriate op amps for a given application, and unexpected effects in passive ...
This book takes full advantage of the latest advances in analog integrated circuits, computer-aided design, electronic publishing, and the World Wide Web's implications for publication support and...
Operational Amplifier Speed and Accuracy Improvement proposes a new methodology for the design of analog integrated circuits.
Applications & Design with Analog Integrated Circuits
D. L. Harame, J. H. Comfort, J. D. Cressler, E. F. Crabb ́e, J. Y.-C. Sun, B. S. Meyerson, and T. Tice. “Si/SiGe Epitaxial-Base Transistors–Part I: Materials, Physics, and Circuits,”IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 42, pp.