This junior level electronics text provides a foundation for analyzing and designing analog and digital electronics throughout the book. Extensive pedagogical features including numerous design examples, problem solving technique sections, Test Your Understanding questions, and chapter checkpoints lend to this classic text. The author, Don Neamen, has many years experience as an Engineering Educator. His experience shines through each chapter of the book, rich with realistic examples and practical rules of thumb.The Third Edition continues to offer the same hallmark features that made the previous editions such a success.Extensive Pedagogy: A short introduction at the beginning of each chapter links the new chapter to the material presented in previous chapters. The objectives of the chapter are then presented in the Preview section and then are listed in bullet form for easy reference.Test Your Understanding Exercise Problems with provided answers have all been updated. Design Applications are included at the end of chapters. A specific electronic design related to that chapter is presented. The various stages in the design of an electronic thermometer are explained throughout the text.Specific Design Problems and Examples are highlighted throughout as well.
Electronic Circuit Analysis: A First Course
本书介绍了ProtelDXP的工作界面、基本组成、各常用编辑器和常用工具等基础知识,并按照电子设计的一般流程,从原理图设计到输出电路板制作文件 ...
本书通过一些实例重点介绍Protel 99SE的使用方法和电路设计技巧。为了照顾早期版本用户的版本升级,本书也简要介绍了Protel各个版本和其他几个相关软件的区别和特点。
Communication Electronic Circuits
本书分为3篇16章。基础篇主要介绍Multisim 7的基本操作方法和各种分析功能;提高篇针对Multisim 7仿真软件颇具特色的功能进行较为详细的介绍;应用篇主要介绍Multisim ...
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Contains circuit design and construction plans for projects you can build for 555 timer circuits; Op Amp projects; and optoelectronic projects.