This text is well-suited for a course in introductory environmental engineering for sophomore, or junior level students. The emphasis is on concepts, definitions, descriptions, and abundant illustrations, rather than on engineering design detail.
"Following the format of previous editions, the 2024 release of Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science is designed for use in an introductory sophomore-level engineering course.
This text provides a background in fundamental science and engineering principles of environmental engineering for students who may or may not become environmental engineers.
This text provides a background in fundamental science and engineering principles of environmental engineering for students who may or may not become environmental engineers.
This text provides a background in fundamental science and engineering principles of environmental engineering for students who may or may not become environmental engineers.
Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science
This book is the specialized foundation and principles for learning the professional courses of environmental engineering, such as "water pollution control," "air pollution control," "solid waste treatment and disposal" and "ecological ...
This text provides a background in fundamental science and engineering principles of environmental engineering for students who may or may not become environmental engineers.
COOPER , D.W. 1986. Particulate contamination and microelectronics manufacturing : An introduction . ... POPE , C.A. , DOCKERY , D.W. , & SCHWARTZ , J. 1995. Review of epidemiological evidence of health effects of particulate air ...
Students pursuing the civil and environmental engineering curriculum will fi nd this book accessible and will benefit from the emphasis on practical application.