The specific principles of effective biomedical writing are presented and explained. This section-by-section analysis covers the following: the introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, figures and tables, references, abstract, and title.
This text is an introduction to the writing of biomedical research papers.
... D.G., 90 Härdle, Wolfgang, 52 Hardy, Ian, 187 Hargreaves, Alan J., 53 Harman, Oren Solomon, 48 HarperCollins, 38 Harris, Elizabeth H., 239 Harris, Henry, 112 Harris, James G., 224 Harris, John, 133 Harris, Melinda Woolf, 224 Harris, ...
This book is an excellent practical primer for researchers who wish to learn how to organize, present, and publish the results of their research.
... locating funding Never spend your money before you have it. —Third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) sources and applying for funds. The New York headquarters and 125 How to Write a Grant Proposal LXXIV LXXV.
Getting published is crucial for professional success in biomedicine. This book provides fresh practical tips which can be applied immediately. It answer the quesitons writers actually ask.
This book eases the task of converting research work into a manuscript, and covers the recent developments in publishing that often stump budding researchers.
This edition includes additional details to help medical researchers succeed in the competitive “publish or perish” world.
This volume is a comprehensive textbook for investigators entering the rapidly growing field of translational and experimental clinical research.
Praise for previous editions "One of the greatest aspects of this book is the section relating to searching the literature and whilst we may think we may all practise this on a fairly regular basis under the assumption that we do a pretty ...
None of this is to propose that good writing can make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Scienti? c content is the sine qua non of biomedical writing.