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This highly practical book covers over 65 leading clinical and you'll get a current, overview of each condition's pathogenesis, pathophysiology, basic science concerns, diagonosis, and therapy. DISORDERS OF HEMOSTATSIS AND THROMBOSIS is the perfect tool for delivering optimal care to patients with blood and clotting disorders.
*portability at an affordable price
*up-to-date evaluation and treatment and bleeding and thrombotic disorders in infants, children, and adults, inpatient and outpatient
*2 new chapters on heritable blood disorders
*expert coverage of hemophilia
*latest advances in thrombosis research
*the perfect succinct overview for hematologists, oncologists, internists, researchers, students, residents, and anyone preparing for board exams
This book highlights the tests that can be used in the laboratory to aid diagnosis. Essential Guide to Blood Coagulation has been updated to include the new anticoagulants and now has a dedicated chapter on antiplatelet drugs.
This handbook is designed to be a resource for both the common and uncommon hemostatic problems that health care providers often face in clinical practice. Currently there is no practical...
In this second edition of Disorders of Thrombosis and Hemostasis in Pregnancy - A Guide to Management the content has been thoroughly updated, with a particular focus on strengthening the management sections to ensure that advice on ...
Designed to capture the elements of quality at all levels of the practice of laboratory hemostasis and thrombosis, this book will guide the reader through the development of a quality program to support all activities in the hemostasis ...
There are a range of laboratory tests which can be performed to identify the cause of bleeding in a patient. This book highlights the tests that can be used in the laboratory to aid diagnosis.
Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice
This book: Provides essential practical management for all those working in the field of hemostasis and thrombosis Includes new chapters on direct oral anticoagulants and, acquired inhibitors of coagulation Covers in a clear and succinct ...
Preceded by: Pediatric otolaryngology / [edited by] Charles D. Bluestone ... [et al.]. 4th ed. c2003.
Curr Opin Hematol. 2003;10:369–374. Goodnight SH, Hathaway WE. Thrombosis and pregnancy. In: Goodnight SH, Hathaway WE, eds. Disorders of Hemostasis and Thrombosis: A Clinical Guide. 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGrawHill; 2001.
A unique clinical focus makes Consultative Hemostasis and Thrombosis, 3rd Edition your go-to guide for quick, practical answers on managing the full range of bleeding and clotting disorders.