A practical hands-on tool for fast, accurate clinical diagnosis in pediatric emergencies
Pediatric patients can represent as much as 35% of all emergency department visits. This atlas comes to the rescue of harried ED clinicians by providing a quick-access resource packed with visual clues to injuries and illnesses presenting in emergency situations from infancy through adolescence.
Doctors Shah and Lucchesi have compiled an extraordinary collection of their best clinical photographs and imaging studies, and combined them with a practical, easily retrievable text. This combination promises to expedite diagnosis as well as guide the clinician to the appropriate management of pediatric trauma and disease.
Atlas Of Pediatric Emergency Medicine puts at your fingertips:
83. Lavey RS , Johnstone AK , Taylor JM , et al : The effect of hyperfractionation on spinal cord response to radiation . Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 24 : 681 , 1992 . 84. Carson DA , Ribeiro JM : Apoptosis and disease .
資深中醫師揉合針灸和氣功,獨創「無藥療法」,臨床實證成效顯著! 將50年行醫心得寫成書本,各種惡疾病例和無藥療法方針皆無私公開! ...
她患了乳腺癌,却是“不幸中的万幸”中国医学科学院肿瘤医院乳腺外科王昕医生,前段时间接诊了一位40岁的山西女患者李英(化名)。回忆自己的生活,李英从来没有感到过有什么异常,可却在单位组织的体检当中,通过钼靶检查发现了右侧乳房当中有大片细小、簇状的 ...
质的食物引起食物中毒,饮食以刚饱为宜,出汗多时可在菜汤中多加点盐。(三)巧着行装衣服以宽舒为宜。旅行时不宜穿新鞋、皮鞋和高跟鞋。在强烈阳光下应佩戴太阳镜。行李宁背勿提,以减少手臂肌肉过分疲劳。(四)巧治水土不服用当地的茶叶沏水喝;带点蜂蜜, ...
本书通过介绍急诊分诊概述、创伤类疾病系统化分诊评估、非创伤类疾病系统化分诊评估、急诊绿色通道病种系统化分诊评估、特殊科室系统化分诊评估、特殊人群系统化分诊评估等 ...
是明朝当时名医李杲的是这方面最有名的方子,刘纯就在他的这个处方的基础上实验研究出他的,其主要成份:熊胆、厚朴、泽泻、草果、乌梅及其保密成份。经过几百年的研究实验,刘家发现这处方还能治现代的夏季热、肝炎、肝硬化、艾滋病、 ...
Lalwani (physiology and neuroscience, New York University School of Medicine) presents essential information on medical and surgical management of disorders and diseases of the ear, nose, throat, and neck, for...
Pediatric Head Trauma