Johns Hopkins Manual of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Johns Hopkins Manual of Cardiothoracic Surgery
McGraw-Hill Professional
William Baumgartner, David Yuh, Luca Vricella


The most up-to-date, comprehensives single-volume guide to adult, congenital, and general cardiothoracic surgery -- from many of the foremost experts in the field Developed by authorities from leading-edge cardiothoracic surgical training programs, this much-needed reference succinctly reviews a wide-range of important topics in cardiothoracic surgery. The Johns Hopkins Manual of Cardiothoracic Surgery is especially timely given the recent development of many new scientific findings and emerging technologies. You'll find it filled with precise information on surgical techniques and pre-and postoperative strategies for managing cardiothoracic disease. In this time-saving sourcebook, you'll get an in-depth look at the full spectrum of disorders and their surgical (and medical) management options, including congenital, acquired, and neoplastic diseases. Supporting this detailed coverage is an easy-to-navigate format featuring focused tables and outline-formatted bullets, along with step-by-step explanations of the most complex operations. Features: Thorough coverage of all major areas of cardiothoracic surgery-perfect for cardiothoracic surgery fellows getting ready for Board review exams (oral and written), and cardiothoracic surgeons preparing for Board certification or recertification Skill-building perspectives on open, minimally invasive, and endovascular surgical procedures-complete with relevant surgical anatomy Indications and techniques for heart and lung transplantation Balanced, detailed presentation of both pediatric and adult patient care issues Innovative chapters on surgical ventricular remodeling, endovascular repair of thoracic aortic pathologies, correction of complex congenital defects, and thoracic oncology that reflect the most promising new surgical technologies “Key Concepts” boxes throughout focus on important “take-home” messages of chapter topics Expert authorship, with most chapters written by current or past faculty and trainees from The John Hopkins Hospital

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