Designed for use either as a stand-alone guide or as a built-in part of the series' audio packages, McGraw-Hill: Complete Medical Spanish offers health care professionals an enjoyable way to quickly acquire the skills and confidence they need to communicate with their Spanish-speaking patients. Each chapter focuses on a specific set of key terms and phrases and includes dozens of illustrations to help enhance understanding. Unlike other guides that make no distinction between levels of difficulty, this book introduces essential grammar concepts in a progressive manner.
New to this edition: Sections on musculoskeletal exam, physical therapy, speech therapy, mental health, women’s health, children’s behavioral problems, pandemics • Questionnaires for GAD7, OASIS •Assessments for OASIS, CAGE• MoCA ...
This Premium Third Edition features support materials in the McGraw-Hill Language Lab app: Sets of flashcards for all the vocabulary lists in the book (over 2,000 terms) Audio recordings of all the dialogs and monologs from the book ...
For healthcare providers in North America that often entails communicating with Spanish-speaking patients and their families. This book provides the Spanish needed to do one's healthcare job in a variety of settings.
A guide to the Spanish language for health care workers emphasizes the expressions and terminology needed in medical situations and offers advice on cultural differences
Le podría ayudar removiéndose el parche antes de acostarse. Le podría ayudar quitándose el parche antes de acostarse. Are you still smoking? How many cigarettes have you smoked this week/month?
We guarantee you that this book is packed with vocabulary and phrases that you can start using today. Whether you're an EMT, nurse, doctor, dentist or even a medical assistant - this book is for you! Download your copy today!
A valuable resource for physicians, physician assistants, nurses, hospital technicians, emergency care providers, and medical administrators with little or no Spanish-language experience, this book provides you with all the Spanish you need ...
Paciente: Sí; sentí dolor depecho después Yes; I felt chest pain after a fall that de una caída que tuve ayer. I had yesterday. (Note: The patient responds using the past tense conjugation because he is referring to a specific point in ...
The most comprehensive medical Spanish language guide available—updated with a bonus app for studying on your smartphone!
The updated, fifth edition of the widely used introductory Spanish textbook designed specifically for health care professionals Nurses, doctors, dentists, and other health care professionals increasingly need to communicate with patients in ...