Cash in on the hottest digital audio technologies. Through three bestselling editions, Ken C. PohlmannÆs Principles of Digital Audio has illuminated the frontiers of digital audio science, taking readers from fundamental principles to the state of the art. Since the last edition, digital audio technology and applications have expanded explosively - a situation well-reflected in the new fourth edition of this user-friendly guide by a leading digital audio engineer. You'll find fresh, tell-all treatments, both theoretical and practical of: PC audio - including IEEE 1394, USB, AC æ97, and DirectX; Internet audio ù especially MP3, SDMI, and RealNetworks G2 streaming audio; Low bit rate topics ù including MPEG-2, AAC, MPEG-4, Dolby Digital, and PAC; DVD ù DVD-Video, DVD-Audio, recordable DVD, UDF, and MLP; Television and radio broadcasting topics ù ATSC DTV, AM-IOBC and FM-IBOC (including USA Digital Radio and LDR prototypes); New compact disc topics, such as CD-R, CD-RW, and Super Audio CD. You'll also get valuable insights into new AES standards, jitter, sound cards, data compression, digital audio extraction, watermarking, and much more.
He reasoned that machine could supply . Just as in all other the ambient heat would cause the ammo- perpetual motion machines , there was a nia to boil . Even at a temperature as low hitch .
Provides essays and daily tips on Windows, Macs, AOL, the Web, viruses, computer maintenance, buying, privacy, and terminology.
Impulse, reaction, and Curtis staging. Turbines are built in two distinct types: (1) impulse and (2) reaction. Impulse turbines have stationary nozzles, and the total stage pressure drop is taken across them.
TABLE 6-1 Energy-Absorbing Capability of the Curtis Stage Reaction 2-row — Stage type Impulse wheel Sta. Rot. Combined Theoretical W/V for 0.50 0.25 . . . . . . 0.707 peak efficiency Required jet velocity, ft/s 1100 2200 550 550 AH ...
Technical Studies 1 Workbook
Readings in Technology and Civilization
John Kenneth Galbraith , in his controversial book The New Industrial State , describes the new economic situation characterized by increased technology . The economic child of technology is the large corporation , which , Galbraith ...
Teacher's Resource Book to Accompany Introduction to Technology
Investigating Technology