A comprehensive revision of the famed pocked guide giving engineers, scientists and other specialists a wide range of technical and mathematical formulas in a handy format. Now including a new section on control engineering, this edition is updated throughout and includes 50 additional pages. This perennial best-seller puts engineering formulas most used on the job at the user's fingertips. Thoroughly practical and authoritative, it brings together in one source thousands of formulas and.
Volumetric Analysis of Metal Finishing Solutions
This work examines the methaphors through which culture comprehends new media, such as cyberspace, the information superhighway, the computer virus, and hot and cool media. It also gives a history...
Meadow takes us on a Cook's tour of communication technologies across time_the alphabet and moveable type printing, cave drawings and carrier pigeons, telephones, television and, of course, the Internet. In...
A practical classroom and workshop guide for teachers of technology, craft and design subjects in schools. It is based on the comprehensive Nigerian introductory technology curriculum, and encourages an integrated,...
This professional reference provides mathematical models and formulas you need to make investment decisions and manage cash flow. It is an excellent resource for understanding economic issues that appear frequently...
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The only illustrated dictionary...
As the most comprehensive reference and study guide available for engineers preparing for the breadth-and-depth mechanical PE examination, the twelfth edition of the Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual provides a concentrated...
Cette bibliographie commentee touche tous les domaines du savoir humain, soit de l'Art a la Zoologie;elle signale les ouvrages les plus importants soit des bibliographies, des index, des encyclopedies, des...
The Vocational-technical Library Collection: A Resource for Practical Education and Occupational Training
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.An extensive library of...