Neurology Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Third Edition: Pearls of Wisdom

Neurology Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Third Edition: Pearls of Wisdom
Medical / Neuroscience
McGraw-Hill Education
Nicholas Lorenzo, Michael Labanowski


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Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the neurology board exam?

Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. The unique question and single-answer format eliminates the guesswork associated with traditional multiple-choice Q&A reviews and reinforces only the correct answers you'll need to know on exam day. Emphasis is placed on distilling key facts and clinical pearls essential for exam success. Great for certification and re-certification, this high-yield review for the boards is the perfect compliment to larger texts for intense, streamlined review in the days and weeks before your exam.

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