S. Kishnani. Yuan-Tsong. Chen. Carbohydrate metabolism plays a vital role in cellular function by providing the energy required for most metabolic processes. The relevant biochemical pathways involved in the metabolism of these ...
Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci, Stephen L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo, J. Larry Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo. (even without hyperbilirubinemia, as in hemolysis) ... GILBERT SYNDROME Impaired conjugation of bilirubin due to reduced bilirubin ...
This new edition is fully updated with timely new chapters and essential updates across the spectrum of internal medicine.
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
A review based on the world’s most popular medical text Market: internal medicine residents (24,000); internists (77,000 general; 75,000 specialty), third year medical students (17,000) Duplicates the organization and coverage of the new ...
FIGURE IV-17 Adapted with permission from LA Nathanson et al: ECG Wave-Maven. http://ecg.bidmc.harvard.edu. IV-17. You are working in the emergency department when patient MM presents in extremis. She is a 65-year-old woman with a ...
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
SAVES $20! This value pack consists of Kasper: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 16/e and Wiener: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Board Review, 16/e.
(From SM Rowe, S Miller, EJSorscher: NEnglJMed 352:1992, 2005.) approximately 90% of individuals with CF carry at least one F508del mutation. Other gene defects include CFTR ion channels properly trafficked to the apical cell surface ...
An electronic version of the book is available for separate purchase through the AccessMedicine website, which allows a 30-day trial subscription.AssessmentThis new edition continues the outstanding history of this book as the leading ...