sport utilities are the most popular vehicles on the market, and they open up a world of possibilities for traverls with a yen to wander the trails of the backcountry. Backroad Adventuring is the perfect introduction to "green" beackcountry travel and camping with a sport utility vehicle. the Hansons' guidebook is tailored to families who want to travel and camp and have adventures in the great outdoors--wihtout harming the land. They give the reader comprehensive advice, including: Advice on driving, maintenance, equipment, packing, and camping; Sidebars featuring real-life adventures; 4-wheel travel for families; An appendix of information resources, including equipment manufacturers and organizations.
SOUTH COAST # 3 2 Route Directions 0.0 From South Coast # 32 : Vallecito Wash Vallecito Wash Trail Trail , 5.3 miles from S2 via Canyon sin Nombre , 1.1 miles west of the inter- STARTING POINT Sweeney Pass Road ( S2 ) , section of ...
Off-roader's guide to safe vehicle recovery.
Guidebook to 4-Wheel Drive trails in Southern California for SUVs, hard-core vehicles, and ATVs. Contains area maps, and individual trail description, level of difficulty, map, GPS points, and points of...
Follow-up to the original guide, this book covers backroads in northern Colorado.
The book covers lift kits, aftermarket suspension additions, articulation tricks, with a few drivetrain modifications (particularly locking differentials) added for good measure.
A Southwest Trail Adventure with GPS: Grand Canyon Country Via the Bar 10 Ranch
Colorado Byways: Backcountry Drives for the Whole Family is your guide to adventure on 80 of the Centennial State's most beautiful and historic unpaved backroads.
Describes 80 easy, moderate, and difficult trails, mostly convenient to Denver and the Front Range.
Tells all about ATVs, including safety tips and racing information.
Guide to Northern California Backroads & 4-wheel Drive Trails: Easy, Moderate, Difficult Backcountry Driving Adventures