Deja Review Histology & Cell Biology, Second Edition

Deja Review Histology & Cell Biology, Second Edition
McGraw Hill Professional
Jae Song


Sales Handle This high-yield, rapid-fire Q&A book simulates flashcards in a book to help first and second year medical students review histology and medical cell biology for their course exams as well as prepare for the USMLE Step 1. About the Book The Deja Review series helps you Remember what you already know; the flashcard format helps medical students recall the most important, must-know facts and concepts covered in their course work for histology and medical cell biology. This rapid-fire question & answer review book allows students to quickly navigate through the information needed for their course exams and USMLE Step 1. Active recall questions reinforce correct answers to enhance learning - not just passive memorization. This book will publish with seven other basic science books in the Deja Review series, along with USMLE Step1 and USMLE Step 2 review books for a total of 10 new editions of Deja Review in 2010. Features Active recall Q&A format simulates flashcards in a book. Keywords and mnemonics highlighted throughout the text. High-Yield diagrams. NEW: Histological images Numerous correlations with pathology and pahtophysiology to help students tie together basic facts with clinical medicine. Expanded clinical vignette review questions at the end of each chapter. Contributions by med students who just aced the USMLE Step 1. Written by top students who just took the Step 1 exam. Two column format allows for ?flashcard? use of Q&A USMLE-format vignettes at the end of each chapter provide review of material covered in a clinical presentation. Clinical correlations of basic science throughout the text help students prepare for course work and board exams. Content complements other review material and works in conjunction with other larger course books. Portable size for use on the go Chapters written by med students ensures the most up-to-date coverage of content actually covered on course exam and USMLE Market/Audience Primary Market: First and second year US and Canadian medical students preparing for USMLE Step 1: 17,000 Secondary Market: International MD USMLE Step 1 test-takers: 16,000 DO Students USMLE Step 1 test-takers: 1,500 Author Profiles Ricky Darnell Grisson, II, MD, (Boston, MA) Pathology resident at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. Graduated from Harvard Medical School magna cum laude NPP. Jae W. Song, MD, (Ann Arbor, MI) Surgery resident at University of Michigan Health Systems, Ann Arbor, MI. Graduated from New York University School of Medicine, New York City with Honors in Cell Biology as part of a 6-year Research Program.

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