The secrets to improving operations while maintaining the highest quality How do you operate at maximum efficiency with minimum cost? Manager’s Guide to Operations Management addresses one of the most pressing business issues of our time by offering easy-toimplement advice on creating the most effective, streamlined operations possible. This quick-reference guide explains how to: Improve your production processes Boost quality using the Six Sigma approach Manage supply chains and inventory Forecast, plan, and schedule efficiently With Manager’s Guide to Operations Management, you have the tools you need to ensure a smooth, steady work flow while producing products and services of the highest quality—the secret to business success.
Slack, N. (1991) Manufacturing Advantage: Achieving Competitive Manufacturing Operations, Mercury. • Slack, N. and Lewis, M. (2008) Operations Strategy, 2nd edn, Pearson Education Ltd. • Slack, N., Chambers, S. and Johnston, ...
The Operations Manager's Toolbox will be an invaluable resource for every current operations manager, everyone moving into operations, and every project manager seeking to apply their skills in new venues.
A timely guide to running highly efficient operations with the lowest expenditure possible.
You will find a full listing of other titles available at the front of this book. Bob Johnson is a freelance management consultant and trainer with extensive experience of the retail, service, government and voluntary sectors.
Operations Management 101 find out how to represent processes in a diagram and get the lowdown on the operations management vocabulary used to measure those processes It's a risky business discover the risks that may threaten your ...
The third book in the Essential Tools For series... on the topic of Operations Management Based on Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn's successful The Essential Management Toolbox, this book focuses in greater depth on the topic of Operations Management ...
Publisher Fact Sheet The first primer to teach facility managers financial skills that will help them sell their department to senior management, win funds for crucial projects, & to become fully integrated into an organization.
Salvendy, G., editor (2001). Handbook of Industrial Engineering, Third Edition ... Armstrong J., editor (2000). Principles of Forecasting: A Handbook for ... Armstrong, J.S., and F. Collopy (1992). “Error measures for generalizing about ...
Making decisions is a complex endeavor where choices are made from courses of action where resources are limited and in the presence of constraints. Written as a guide, this book offers a quantitative approach to decision-making.
Some of this advice is summarised below. Speech preparation, Carnegie suggested, should generate an enthusiasm within yourself for public speaking, whether you have a financial or a social goal in view. Begin planning as soon as you can ...