"The documented benchmarks for success and the many examples help explicate the complexities for the reader. The book is organized and written so that it will be useful as an introduction to the field and also as a reference when special challenges arise for the practicing manager." -- DR. JOHN J. COYLE, Professor Emeritus of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Department of Supply Chain and Information Systems, Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University "The book is a must-read for all supply chain managers seeking to drive down costs and improve profits and must be read before any investment is made in your supply chain. Get copies for your controller and all senior managers...this book lays it all out." -- DR. RICHARD LANCIONI, Chair, Marketing & Supply Chain Management, Fox School of Business, Temple University Expert Strategies for Improving Supply Chain and Logistics Performance Using Lean This practical guide reveals how to identify and eliminate waste in your organization's supply chain and logistics function. Lean Supply Chain and Logistics Management provides explanations of both basic and advanced Lean tools, as well as specific Lean implementation opportunities. The book then describes a Lean implementation methodology with critical success factors. Real-world examples and case studies demonstrate how to effectively use this powerful strategy to realize significant, long-term improvements and bottom-line savings. COVERAGE INCLUDES: * Using Lean to energize your supply chain * The eight wastes * Lean opportunities and JIT in supply chain and logistics * Lean tools and warehouse * Global lean supply chain and logistics * Lean opportunity assessment, value stream mapping, and Kaizen event management * Best-in-class use of technology with Lean * Metrics and measurement * Education and training Valuable training slides are available for download.
This easy guide introduces the modern field of supply chain and logistics management, explains why it is central to business success, shows how its pieces fit together, and presents best practices you can use wherever you work.
Presenting an alternate approach to supply chain management, Lean Supply Chain Management Essentials: A Framework for Materials Managers explains why the traditional materials planning environment, typically embodied by an Enterprise ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
In the early 1900s , Henry Ford had a vision of accomplishing his mass production process with a vision of three days from raw material to finished product . Mr. Ford did this by understanding the total value chain from lumber ...
This book provides an overview of the key transportation management processes from a shipper’s perspective.
Inventory is no longer considered an asset,and strategies are needed to operate with minimalinventories. Lean Six Sigma Logistics provides thevehicle to solidify strategic position, win overcustomers, and achieve .
Lean Demand-Driven Procurement: How to Apply Lean Thinking to Your Supply Management Process details the basic supply management concepts and processes (i.e. sourcing, procurement, and purchasing) in an easy-to-understand format in ...
Lean Six Sigma for Supply Chain Management offers a unique 10-step improvement process for identifying and solving the root causes of supply chain problems in everyday operations.
Effectively managing all the connected pieces of a supply chain is essential. This book helps you see your business as a unified system where all the elements need to be aligned for success.
Commentators suggested that this 'cemented Wilson's position as the front runner to succeed Dave Lewis as the Tesco's chief executive' (Yeomans, 2018), although within a few weeks, in July 2018, Tesco announced that he was to move to a ...