Deliver quality healthcare in the most challenging field conditions Full of practical clinical pearls and proven strategies, this indispensible guide shows you how to operate outside your comfort zone and devise effective treatment solutions when the traditional tools (medications, equipment, and staff) are unavailable—or when you need to provide care outside of your specialty. Improvised Medicine is a must for anyone who plans to work in global, disaster, or other resource-poor settings. FEATURES: Simple-to-follow directions, diagrams, and illustrations describe practical techniques and the improvised equipment necessary to provide quality care during crises. Contains improvisations in anesthesia and airway management, dentistry, gynecology/obstetrics, infectious disease/laboratory diagnosis, internal medicine, otolaryngology, pediatrics and malnutrition, orthopedics, psychiatry, and surgery. Also includes basic disaster communication techniques, post-disaster forensics, a model hospital disaster plan, and innovative patient-transport methods. LEARN HOW TO: Make an endotracheal tube in seconds Perform digital-oral and blind-nasotracheal intubations Make plaster bandages for splints/casts Give open-drop ether, ketamine drips, and halothane Use subcutaneous/intraperitoneal rehydration/transfusion Make ORS and standard nutrition formulas Clean, disinfect, and sterilize equipment for reuse Warm blood units in seconds inexpensively Take/view stereoscopic x-rays with standard equipment Quickly and easily stop postpartum hemorrhage Fashion surgical equipment from common items Evacuate patients easily for high-rise hospitals Make esophageal and precordial stethoscopes Quickly improvise a saline lock Make ECG electrode/defibrillator pads and ultrasound gel
Focused on Botswana's only dedicated oncology ward, Improvising Medicine renders the experiences of patients, their relatives, and clinical staff during a cancer epidemic.
Medical and Public Health Considerations for Neighboring Jurisdictions: Workshop Summary Institute of Medicine, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events Bruce M. Altevogt, ...
Signs and Symptoms The knee may be swollen, and crackling sounds can often be heard when the knee is flexed and straightened. ... Partial and total tears of a meniscus often occur at the same time that ligaments are torn ...
Deep Woods Sportsmen Ben's Tick and Insect Repellent Ben's 100 Tick and Insect Repellent Cutter All Family Insect Repellent Cutter Skinsations Insect Repellent Cutter Dry Cutter Unscented Repel Family Dry Cutter Sport Repel Sportsmen ...
Rubin A, Evers D, Eyman C, Jarroll E. Inactivation of gerbil-cultured Giardia lamblia cysts by free chlorine. Appl Environ Microbiol 1989;55:2592–4. Rutala WA, Weber DJ. New disinfection and sterilization methods.
Reducing the Threat of Improvised Explosive Device Attacks by Restricting Access to Explosive Precursor Chemicals prioritizes precursor chemicals that can be used to make HMEs and analyzes the movement of those chemicals through United ...
"Accidents are probably the last thing on your mind when heading out for a wilderness adventure. But miles from nowhere the unthinkable can occur and suddenly leave you faced with a medical problem or emergency. What should you do?
Fought on almost every continent, World War II confronted American GIs with the unprecedented threats to life and health posed by combat on Arctic ice floes and African deserts, in steamy jungles and remote mountain villages, in the ...
Extreme Medicine is a gripping debut about the science of healing, but also about exploration in its broadest sense—and about how, by probing the very limits of our biology, we may ultimately return with a better appreciation of how our ...
Packed with step-by-step instructions, how-to explanations, and practical approaches to outdoor and wilderness emergencies, this newly updated guide explains the best ways to respond to just about any medical problem when help is miles or ...