***IF YOU WANT TO UPDATE THE INFORMATION ON YOUR TITLE SHEET, THEN YOU MUST UPDATE COPY IN THE "PRODUCT INFORMATION COPY" FIELD. COPY IN THE "TIPSHEET COPY" FIELD DOES NOT APPEAR ON TITLE SHEETS.*** The brand-new companion review book to the second edition of Williams Gynecology, the hugely successful new gynecology reference! Market / Audience Ob-Gyns (52,000 US) Ob-Gyn residents (4,900 US) About the Book Williams Gynecology Second Edition Study Guide is an evidence-based review book derived directly from the content of Williams Gynecology, Second Edition (4/12), to assess comprehension and retention of material covered in the text. The table of contents mirrors that of the larger book. The study guide's 2000+ evidence-based questions combines straight Q&A with clinical vignettes testing readers on both their factual knowledge and decision-making skills. The questions are followed by an answer key which provides the correct answer and cites the page number in the text where detailed discussion of the topic can be found for further study. Owing to this unique feature, the study guide is integral to the full use of the text and will be available packaged with the text. They will publish simultaneously. The first edition of Williams Gynecology has been a terrific success, reaching it's lifetime sales goal within its first year of publication. It is a full-color, evidence-based resource, and the only book on the market to combine a medical text with a procedural atlas. The study guide will feature a 2/c design to tie it visually to the text. Key Selling Features Over 2000 evidence-based multiple choice questions thoroughly covering every major topic in current clinical gynecology, including General Gynecology, REI and Menopause, Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, Gynecologic Oncology, and Gynecologic Surgery. Questions are derived straight from the popular new gynecology text, Williams Gynecology Answer key cites text page numbers for in-depth discussion and further reading 2/c design Review Q&A derived directly from the best new gynecology reference, Williams Gynecology About the Author Barbara L. Hoffman, MD, is Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas. Dr. Hoffman is soon to be promoted to Associate Professor. She is currently leading Williams Gynecology, Second Edition, and will prepare the review questions as the larger text is completed.
Casey, 188 Plasmakinetic (PK) Gyrus, 1105 Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in endometrium, 434t Platelet dysfunction, and abnormal bleeding, 235 Platinum compounds, and radiation therapy, combined, 724 Plexus of Santorini, ...
BrJ Cancer 94(5):642, 2006 Hampel H, Frankel W, Panescu J, et al: Screening for Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer) among endometrial cancer patients. Cancer Res 66(15):7810, 2006 Havrilesky LJ, Cragun JM, ...
Gain a better understanding of the basic principles of gynecology presented in Williams Gynecology, Third Edition with this full-color study guide Directly derived from the content of Williams Gynecology, Third Edition, this authoritative ...
BJOG 114(11):1368, 2007 Dayananda I, Maurer R, Fortin J, et al: Medical abortion follow-up serum human chorionic gonadotropin compared with ultrasonography.
Obstet Gynecol 103:101, 2004 Goldberg AB, Fortin JA, Drey EA, et al: Cervical preparation before dilation and evacuation using adjunctive misoprostol or ...
Williams Gynecology, Study Guide
Williams Gynecology: Study guide
The authors have enhanced this edition with 1,000+ full-color illustrations, plus an increased emphasis on the fast-growing subspecialty of Maternal-Fetal Medicine.
Assess your comprehension and retention of Williams Obstetrics, Twenty-Fifth Edition with the only study guide keyed to that acclaimed textHere’s why this is the ultimate obstetrics study guide:•More than 2,000 evidence-based, multiple ...
Williams Gynecology 4e (ie)