Your Secret Weapon for Mastering the USMLE Step 3 How prepared are you for the new USMLE Step 3? Are you worried about answering questions on basic science concepts? Uncertain about managing the clock in CCS cases? Unprepared to answer questions on general surgery topics? This book is the balm. Created by bestselling author and lecturer Dr. Conrad Fischer and Dr. Niket Sonpal, General Surgery: Correlations & Clinical Scenarios provides an entertaining and comprehensive review of internal medicine topics on the USMLE Step 3. Progressive clinical cases--embedded with meaningful foundational science correlations and CCS exam tips--ensure that you're prepared for the new USMLE Step 3. Features: 100 general surgery cases with Q&A provide practice for the multiple-choice exam component of the USMLE Step 3 Embedded basic science correlations prepare you to answer foundational science questions Integrated CCS navigation tips prepare you to handle Computer-based Case Simulations (CCS cases) High-yield coverage of core surgery topics frequently tested on the USMLE Step 3
... M.D. Parathyroid Glands: Karen R. Borman, M.D. and Melanie L. Richards, M.D. Adrenal Glands: Richard B. Wait, M.D., Ph.D. and Alysandra Lal, M.D. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes: Karen R. Borman, M.D. CHAPTER 21 429 Spleen ...
Text and Essentials of Surgical Specialties, Second Edition Package
This book covers emergency general surgery topics in a succinct, practical and understandable fashion.
Table 1-1 reflects a presentation format for a presentation on morning rounds for a surgical ward patient . ... In addition to work rounds on the wards , you will probably participate in attending rounds or teaching rounds .
This book was designed to be sufficiently used by medical students, general surgery residents and senior general surgeon.
For many, this involved traditional bedside teaching in which a patient was presented to the attending surgeon and feedback was received on the assessment and plans for the patient. Effective teaching on rounds remains an evolving, ...
This book was created to provide succinct and accurate information in a written, imaging, and audiovisual format that allows efficient access to surgical learners-especially those with just a few minutes to spare.
After discussing the concept and operative strategy, Dr. Chassin presents a detailed description of every operation in general surgery - the digestive tract, breast, abdominal wall, and selected head and neck and endocrine operations -, ...
This book provides a comprehensive guide to the surgical skills required during general surgery.
Kuint J, Horowitz Z, Kugel C, Toper L, Birenbaum E, Linder N. Laryngeal obstruction caused by lingual thyroglossal duct cyst presenting at birth. Am J Perinatol. 1997;14(6):353–6. Kuo AA, Tritasavit S, Graham JM, Jr. Congenital muscular ...