Many people have worked very hard to design and produce this text , including Jodi McPherson , Jean Lou Hess , and June Waldman . Thanks to Alfonso Hermida for the technical edit . We greatly appreciate Theresa Berry , and for their ...
In Advanced Visual Basic 6, two of the world's leading VB experts take experienced developers under the hood with VB, introducing powerful techniques for writing high-performance, reusable code that leverages...
This text covers such topics as: installing and configuring Visual Basic; interfacing with the user; writing database programs using ADO; maintaining a database file; using the ADO programming object model; creating class modules; and ...
Readers learn to master the fundamentals of effective programming while working through Visual Basic 2017’s latest features with a wealth of hands-on applications -- all placed in context within this book's engaging real-world setting.
The courses that can be supported by this text are not specific to any one type of institution, since VB in a Business course is largely a functional topic needed by all types of students from 2-4 year, to Vo-Tech, to extended, to even ...
Programming in Visual Basic 6.0 (Update Edition).
In the authors' words, "Our main aim in writing this book is to write the most advanced book yet available on Microsoft Visual Basic.
CD-ROM features: A fully searchable electronic copy of PROGRAMMING MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC 6.0 Sample applications written in Visual Basic .NET A Note Regarding the CD or DVD The print version of this book ships with a CD or DVD.
With the help of a series of progressively complex programming examples-complete with sample code-Carl Franklin covers all the bases, from TCP/IP basics to advanced techniques for taking full advantage of version 6.0's hot new Internet ...
This is a practical tutorial to writing Visual Basic (VB6 and VB.NET) programs using some of the most common design patterns.
This is the newly expanded and updated fifth edition of the classic, for everyone from advanced students and intermediate programmers to corporate developers and consultants.