John Stewart's highly acclaimed, one-of-a-kind reader features a broad range of scholarly and popular articles drawn from a variety of disciplines, including communication, philosophy, social science, counseling, and psychology. Some topics covered in this book include the following: the nature of interpersonal contact; defining ourselves as communicators; promoting dialogue; connections between verbal and nonverbal cues; communicating with families and friends; listening; deception and betrayal; interpersonal ethics; a spiritual approach to interpersonal communication; diversity.
美国“成人教育之父”戴尔·卡耐基所著,汇集了卡耐基的思想精华和激动人心的内容,是作者成功的励志经典,书的目的就是帮助解决所面临的大问题。如何在日常生活、商务活动 ...
《同理心》一书通过两大部分介绍了如何发现和运用你与生俱来的同理心。作者辛迪·戴尔是享誉全球的作家、愈师和咨询师,将自己多年临床经验进行案例分析,并结合其他心理学 ...
本书以社交与口才为基点,结合了心理学、人际关系学等知识,通过许多成功人士的事例激励人们克服畏惧、建立自信,扩展人脉关系,发挥潜能和智慧,在各种场合下发表恰当的谈 ...
當今的社會是人際關係的社會,人際交往的廣泛與否,是衡量一個人能否在事業上取得成功的關鍵因素。成功學大師卡內基認為:一個人要想成功,其自身的能力只占15%,而在交際過 ...
For example , data have been collected by telephone ( Keckley Market Research , 1983 ; Lewis , 1985 ; Murphy , 1985 ) , pencil - paper measures ( Badgley et al . , 1984 ; Finkelhor , 1979 ; Fromuth , 1983 ; Seidner & Calhoun , 1984 ) ...
Quadrant II ( control - love ) contains a complex and conflicted set of parental attitudes and behaviors ” ( Maccoby & Martin , 1983 , p . 45 ) . It is a pattern of positive involvement but possessive maternal behavior .
This comprehensive book is rooted in psychology, but includes a wide range of interpersonal, community, national and international contexts, multiple levels of analysis from micro to macro, and multi-disciplinary perspectives.