This text explains business statistic concepts through the use of case studies and examples that reflect real applications of statistics. The book offers a technological perspective, while the CD-ROM has step-by-step walk-through examples to assist students visualize statistical concepts.
Find A U B and P ( A U B ) . Find A n B and P ( A n B ) . d . Are events A and C mutually exclusive ? Find Bo and P ( Bo ) . C. e . Applications 24. Clarkson University surveyed alumni to learn more about what they think of Clarkson .
Basic Business Statistics
Test Item File
This new edition integrates Microsoft Excel throughout as a way to work with statistical concepts and give students a resource that can be used in both their academic and professional careers.
Managerial Decision Modeling: Custom Edition for Simon Fraser University
Revised edition of the authors' Basic business statistics, [2014]
Pearson Education LTD . Pearson Education Australia PTY , Limited Pearson Education Singapore , Pte . Ltd Pearson Education North Asia Ltd Pearson Education , Canada , Ltd Pearson EducaciĆ³n de Mexico , S.A. de C.V. Pearson Education ...
This book covers the key quantitative skills needed to analyse data and, evaluate the data analysis and recommendations of others.
This second edition has retained the clear, unintimidating approach that made the first edition so successful.
Analyzing the Data Applicable to Business This text is the gold standard for learning how to use Microsoft Excel(r) in business statistics, helping students gain the understanding they need to be successful in their careers.