Baumer and Poindexter's, Legal Environment of Business in the Information Age, 1e, is the legal environment text for the 21st century. In the next few years, many of the laws that comprise the legal environment of business will change, and the pace of the change is likely to be quick. Because of the growth of information technology, many legal issues have emerged and are occupying center stage. Baumer/Poindexter targets future managers who will be dealing with information technology in some way, and reinforces the latest trends in business education by providing a similar experience with law. Legal Environment of Business in the Information Age places an emphasis on the manner in which regulatory law deals with changes in technology, and devotes significantly more attention to E-Commerce contract law and legal protection of intellectual property.
Study Guide to Accompany Legal Environment of Business in the Information Age
Baumer and Poindexter's, Legal Environment of Business in the Information Age, 1e, is the legal environment text for the 21st century.
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific.
Cram101 Textbook Outlines gives all of the outlines, highlights, notes for your textbook with optional online practice tests. Only Cram101 Outlines are Textbook Specific. Cram101 is NOT the Textbook.
The Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce, 6e examines how the current legal environment, government regulation, and e-commerce environment impact today's business decisions.
Baumer and Poindexter’s, Legal Environment of Business in the Information Age, 1e, is the legal environment text for the 21st century.
Recipient of a 2021 Most Promising New Textbook Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA) Business and Society: Ethical, Legal, and Digital Environments prepares students for the modern workplace by exploring the ...
If people can so easily send music on the Internet for free, for example, who will pay for music? This book presents the multiple facets of digitized intellectual property, defining terms, identifying key issues, and exploring alternatives.
The technology approach outlined in this book is the best because it is based on battle-hardened, proven results.
The book points out advantages accessible through IT, together with ways of integrating this knowledge in effective and efficient processes.