Preface 1 The Roles of Education and Physical Education 2 The Responsibilities of the Physical Educator 3 Physical Education and the Law 4 Understanding the Learner 5 Understanding Learning and Implications for Teaching Physical Education 6 Planning the Instructional Program--Basic Principles of Curriculum Design 7.
In an easy-to-read, fluent style, this expert author team brings you Instructional Strategies for Secondary School Physical Education, a comprehensive overview of secondary level physical education teaching methods and program and ...
However, the complexity of teaching PE can make this difficult to do. This book focuses, therefore, on the requirements of student PE teachers in relation to teaching skills and issues covered in initial teacher education courses.
This second edition is fully updated with the most recent research and developments in the field and includes brand new chapters.
Delphine Hanna One final notable early leader in physical education was Delphine Hanna, MD. She also used her medical background to enhance physical education, both as a teacher in the public schools and at the university level.
Educating the Student Body makes recommendations about approaches for strengthening and improving programs and policies for physical activity and physical education in the school environment.
An invaluable, practical workbook for physical education student-teachers as they develop their practice in the secondary school.
2.3 Have students play modified 4 - on - 4 team handball , scoring by throwing the ball into the goal area . ( Assessment opportunity : structured observation 1.0 , 5.1 , 5.2 ... 6.2 Have students practice ball - handling activities .
This holistic rubric was adapted from Pearson Education's TeacherVision (http://; retrieved June 1, 2006. 4. This analytic rubric was created with the assistance of Rubistar (http://; ...
Resources Clift , R.T. , Houston , W.R. , & Pugach , M.C. ( Eds . ) . ( 1990 ) . Encouraging reflective practice in education : An analysis of issues and programs ... Upper Saddle River , NJ : Prentice Hall . Langley , D. , & Senne , T.
All of these forms and templates are accessible online through the book’s accompanying web resource. If you want to change your current assessment system and are looking for some help getting started, then this book is for you!