A manual on relationship selling, featuring practical tips and business examples from the author's experience in sales with Colgate and other companies. Exercises and role plays are included, as is...
Every salesperson's road map to superstar success!
The 70/30 coverage allocation aims to reflect the opinions expressed through market research. This book is written for appropriate use both at the college/university setting and the community college/junior college setting.
A classic text providing thorough and sophisticated treatment of selling and sales management, with an emphasis on the international market.
As its title suggests, Relationship Selling focuses on creating and maintaining profitable long-term relationships with customers, highlighting the salesperson as an essential element in communicating value to customers.
This edition presents a sales process or system in a logical sequence, more than any other text in the market: from planning and the approach, to closing and follow-up for exceptional customer service.
... Robert Smith , Illinois State University ; Ed Snider , Mesa Community College ; William A. Stull , Utah State ... James Madison University . tra , SmithKline Beecham ; Stanley Marcus ; Gerald Mentor , Richard D. Irwin , Inc .
This manual is designed to enable both the sales manager and the salesperson to make relationship selling a success in their organization.
Characters: Tom Beesman, national sales manager; Charlie Davidson, star sales representative Scene 1: Location—Tom Beesman's office. Action—Beesman has called a meeting with Charlie Davidson to discuss with him the company's plans to ...
Charles H. Schwepker , Jr. , and Thomas N. Ingram , “ An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between the Perceived Competitive Environment and Salesperson Job Performance , ” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice , Summer 1994 ...