For use as a text in foundations generalist social policy courses, either at the baccalaureate or master’s level, this book examines the process of defining need, analyzing social policy, and developing new policy.
For use as a text in foundations generalist social policy courses, either at the baccalaureate or master’s level, this book examines the process of defining need, analyzing social policy, and developing new policy.
... 50, 51 Schumm, J. S., 121 Schwartz, W., 90, 93, 95, 101, 103, 159 Sears, J. T., 154, 155 Sessions, P., 6 Seybolt, ... A., 81 Woods, C. J., 102 Work, W. C., 75 Wright, A., 165 Wright, M., 198 Wyman, P. A., 75 Young, B. A., 157 Yung, ...
In this book and companion website you will find: ■ A practice-oriented description of qualitative and quantitative research methods that engages rather than intimidates students ■ Illustrations of real-life research and evaluation from ...
This book explores shifts in international social policies, looking at how they affect national trends and the context for social work practice.
Social Policy for Effective Practice: A Strengths Approach is the fourth of five innovative texts in a new series by McGraw-Hill: NEW DIRECTIONS IN SOCIAL WORK: A McGraw-Hill Series. This...
The Color of Social Policy
Some of the most disadvantaged groups such as refugees and people seeking asylum can benefit from volunteering opportunities established through partnership working between mainstream services and refugee organizations (Wilson and Lewis ...
With case studies, interactive activities, summaries and guidance throughout, this book looks at the changing context of children and young people’s services heralded by the structural, organizational and funding changes put forward in ...
The second edition of Double Standard analyzes how and why social policy and welfare states evolved differently in Western Europe and the United States.