Manufacturing Planning & Control for Supply Chain Management, 6e by Jacobs, Berry, and Whybark (formerly Vollmann, Berry, Whybark, Jacobs) is a comprehensive reference covering both basic and advanced concepts and applications for students and practicing professionals. The text provides an understanding of supply chain planning and control techniques with topics including purchasing, manufacturing, warehouse, and logistics systems. Manufacturing Planning & Control for Supply Chain Management, 6e continues to be organized in a flexible format, with the basic coverage in chapters 1-8 followed by the last four chapters that focus on the integration of manufacturing with the supply chain. Each chapter provides a managerial issues overview, a detailed technical presentation related to the topic, company examples, and concluding principles. This book is the essential desk reference for Supply Chain Planning and Control techniques.
The text provides an understanding of supply chain planning and control techniques with topics including purchasing, manufacturing, warehouse, and logistics systems.
Flynn, B. B.; Roger G. Schroeder; and E. James Flynn. “World Class Manufacturing: An Investigation of Hayes and Wheelwright's Foundation,” Journal of Operations Management 17, no. 3 (March 1999), pp. 249–269.
This text gives comprehensive, real-world-based coverage of the concepts, tools and methods used to manage and control manufacturing systems. This major revision contains four new chapters and four thoroughly upgraded...
This unique book parallels the objective of supply-chain focused manufacturing planning and control systems within businesses today.
Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management
The practice of supply chain management has become widespread in most industries.
The objective of this book is to provide the reader with a good understanding regarding the four critical factors (business/physical processes, systems supporting the processes, company personnel and company/personal performance measures) ...
This text looks at the value of knowledge management in supply chain management and how supply chain partners can use IT to improve organizational performance.
Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management
This book provides an overview of important trends and developments in logistics and supply chain research, making them available to practitioners, while also serving as a point of reference for academicians.