An introductory text, Marriages & Families accentuates the positive aspects of relationships and focuses on enriching students’ knowledge and experience in building strong, successful couple and family relationships. The authors, seasoned family scholars and therapists, integrate research, theory, and practical application with an interdisciplinary perspective on marriage and family. To enhance teaching and student learning, a new AWARE (Awareness of Attitudes and Relationships Expectations) Online (2008) computerized assessment has been designed specifically for the sixth edition and contains 15 categories that match the chapters of the book. Go to the student and instructor sides of this Web site for more information on AWARE.
The text gives equal and balanced attention to people of all racial, ethnic, and other societal groups, and treats a variety of lifestyles with equal attention.
... C. , 206 Etzioni , A. , 281 Evans , E. , 453 Evans , L. , 74 F Dobson , C. , 437 Doherty , W. J. , 414 Doka , K. , 444 , 494 Doll , E. R. , 439 Doll , L. , 172 , 175 Dollahite , D. C. , 420 Donnelly , B. W. , 292 Donnelly , D. , 364 ...
It's important to keep in mind that the images of single people and the meaning of singlehood are culturally constructed (Darrington, Piercy, & Niehuis, 2005). For example, while single middle-aged women in society may be viewed as ...
Sociology : Understanding a diverse society . Belmont , CA : Wadsworth . Anderson , M. , & Collins , P. H. ( 1995 ) . Race , class and gender : An anthology . Belmont , CA : Wadsworth . Annie E. Casey Foundation ...
Connects theory to reality Exploring Marriages and Families, 2/e by Karen T. Seccombe illustrates the ways in which historical, cultural, social, and political factors influence readers' decision making in relationships.
Marriages and Families continues to be distinguished from other textbooks in several important ways.
ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN.
By using a decision making theme within a sociological framework, Lamanna and Riedman provide the solid research and theoretical base that students need, along with the practical examination of personal choices and decision making that ...
There is something different about this book.
For courses in Marriage and Family, Sociology of Family, and Family Studies/Relationships in departments of Sociology, Family Studies, Psychology, and Women's Studies. This best-selling, full-color text introduces students to the...