The approach of the Beer and Johnston texts has been appreciated by hundreds of thousands of students over decades of engineering education. The Statics and Mechanics of Materials text uses this proven methodology in an - extensively revised second edition aimed at programs that teach these two subjects together or as a two semester sequence. Maintaining the proven methodology and pedagogy of the Beer and Johnson series, Statics and Mechanics of Materials, second edition combines the theory and application behind these two subjects into one cohesive text. A wealth of problems, Beer and Johnston's hallmark sample problems, and valuable review and summary sections at the end of each chapter highlight the key pedagogy of the text. Also available with this second edition is Connect. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, how they need it, so that class time is more engaging and effective.
Statics and Mechanics of Materials
The text presents a commitment to the development of student problem-solving skills and features many pedagogical aids unique to Hibbeler texts. Mastering Engineering for Statics and Mechanics of Materials is a total learning package.
The second edition of Statics and Mechanics of Materials: An Integrated Approach continues to present students with an emphasis on the fundamental principles, with numerous applications to demonstrate and develop logical, orderly methods of ...
This text integrates the principles of Statics with those of Strength of Materials within a single book, providing strong fundamentals on which students and professionals can build additional skills and knowledge in their chosen specialty.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
A wealth of problems, Beer and Johnston's hallmark sample problems, and valuable review and summary sections at the end of each chapter, highlight the key pedagogy of the text.
Statics and Strength of Materials: Foundations for Structural Design
"Ideal for students enrolled in the industrial technology or engineering technology curriculum, the seventh edition of this outstanding text continues to cover statics and strength of materials at an elementary level.
This book provides an introduction to the subject, starting from classic hand-calculation types of analysis and gradually advancing to a systematic form suitable for computer implementation.
Statics and Mechanics of Materials