Known for its balanced voice and approachable scholarship, Alan Brinkley's best-selling The Unfinished Nation offers a concise, yet thorough survey of American History appropriate for students at all levels. The 8th edition features new scholarship and updated discussions, most significantly on the topics of War, American Imperialism, and Globalization. Brinkley’s accessible narrative is available as a digital SmartBookTM,a personalized eBook that enhances understanding by asking students to demonstrate comprehension as they read. It is also supported by engaging digital tools, such as interactive maps, that encourage critical thinking and retention of key course concepts.
"The title The Unfinished Nation is meant to suggest several things.
The Unfinished Nation Combined Edition: A Concise History of the American People
( 1956 ) , and Lincoln ( 1995 ) ; William B. Hesseltine , Lincoln and the War Governors ( 1948 ) ; James M. McPherson ... Ira Berlin , Leslie Rowland , et al . , eds . , Freedom : A Documentary History of Emancipation , 1861-1867 ...
This sixth edition features a new series of Patterns of Popular Culture essays, as well as expanded coverage of pre-Columbian America, new America in the World essays, and updated coverage of recent events and developments that demonstrates ...
The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People: From 1865
New to this edition is increased coverage of the history of science and technology and popular and cultural history. Each chapter now includes a new and pedagogically useful summary conclusion.
The 9th edition will feature new scholarship on treatment of Native Americans, the effects of the Revolutionary War, the Civil Rights Movement, and the effects of modern warfare on American History.
The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People. To 1877
At the same time, Coughlin was cultivating political friendships closer to home, most notably with Detroit's new Democratic mayor, Frank Murphy. Coughlin had been friendly with Murphy and his Irish-Catholic family almost since the ...
The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People continues the evolution of Alan Brinkley’s influential work as authors John M. Giggie and Andrew J. Huebner build upon this canonical text, with a focus on making history ...