The aims of this book are to: survey theories of development, provide New Zealand information sources, foster critical thinking, and promote a 'development in context' perspective supported by the voicing of direct experiences from the ...
This text builds on the success of the previous edition.
This text builds on the success of the previous edition.
This text helps students understand how culture impacts development--and why it matters.
Lifespan Development: New Zealand Perspectives
Life Span Human Development is about the development of human beings – from conception to death.
... positive personality traits (described further below), and better social understanding, attention regulation, planning, and creative thinking (e.g., Masten et al., 1999, 2004; Pellegrini, Masten, Garmezy, & Ferrarese, 1987; Shaffer ...
There were also expressions of support for the statutory involvement of community panels representing local cultural ... in the establishment of the Ministerial Advisory Committee, which produced the game- changing PtAT report.
New to this edition: heavily revised content reflects recent developments in social work and human development, new three-part structure allows for easy navigation of the text, a unique section devoted to trauma and loss, renewed Practice ...
Health and Human Development Models Across Cultures: Philippine, Maori, Western, Samoa
This book's sets of maps and graphics help New Zealanders make sense of their country, to grasp the scale, diversity and intricacies of Aotearoa, and to experience feelings of connection to land, to place, to this time in our history, and ...