Algebra: UCSMP Grades 6-12

Algebra: UCSMP Grades 6-12
Juvenile Nonfiction
R. James Breunlin, Susan Anne Brown, Katherine M. Degner


The UCSMP Third Edition curriculum emphasizes problem solving, everyday applications, and the use of technology and reading, while developing and maintaining basic skills. UCSMP Algebra has a scope far wider than most other algebra texts, with mathematical topics integrated throughout. Statistics and geometry are settings for work with linear expressions and sentences. Probability provides a context for algebraic fractions and functions. Expressions, equations, and functions are described graphically, symbolically, and in tables. Concepts and skills are taught with a variety of approaches. Graphing calculuators are implemented for home use, while computer algebra systems technology is used in the classroom to develop patterns and practice skills. No additional prerequisites other than those needed for success in any algebra course are needed for success in this course. Prior study from the previous UCSMP Grades 6-12 courses tend to cover more of UCSMP Algebra than other students because they have been introduced to more of the applications of algebra. UCSMP Algebra prepares students for any standard geometry course.View a sample lesson from the Teacher's Edition of this program by clicking here.

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