This textbook combines coverage of the theory of marketing with an emphasis on its practical implementation within European business. The book includes 25 case studies which have been sourced from academics in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands.
EBOOK: Principles and Practices of Marketing 10/e
This textbook on marketing includes information on branding, ethics and corporate social responsibility, relationship marketing, internet marketing, mobile, wireless and e-mail marketing, colour images and adverts to demonstrate marketing ...
The ninth edition of McGraw-Hill's leading textbook, Principles and Practice of Marketing, provides a contemporary and modern introduction to marketing.
Principles and Practice of Marketing
Now revised and updated, this text offers undergraduate students an introduction to the world of marketing. The fourth edition includes new material on areas such as e-commerce, the Internet and relationship marketing.
The SAGE Course Companion on Marketing is an accessible introduction to the subject that will help readers to extend their understanding of key concepts and enhance their thinking skills in line with course requirements.
Public Journalism: First Principles, in J. Rosen, and D. Merritt Jr., (eds.), Public Journalism: Theory and Practice. Dayton, OH: Kettering Foundation. Rosenstock, I., Strecher, V. and Becker, M. 1988. Social Learning Theory and the ...
The intention of this book is to explain the received wisdom about marketing, and provide the counter-arguments which moderate the debate.
Instructor's Manual: Im Princ Pract Marketing
Providing a fresh and innovative framework for the management of marketing communication processes, this textbook shifts the focus from message-making to relationship-building, focusing on a planned, integrated marketing communication ...