The seventh edition of The Business Environment has been perfectly tailored to cover the core topics that will be studied on an introductory Business Environment module. This fully updated new edition provides comprehensive coverage of the varying factors that make up the business environment, with a particular focus on how these factors impact business organisations and the decisions organisations make. Key Features: Up-to-date coverage The business environment continues to evolve, and this new edition takes on board recent issues including: The after-effects of the 'credit crunch' The emerging economic power of China, India and Brazil Data security and privacy Business ethics Cultural identity Climate change Real life examples New opening vignettes introduce the main topic and show the business environment in real life. In addition, the book contains a wealth of shorter and longer case studies featuring companies such as Google, Amazon and Virgin Trains. Pedagogy Clearly written and user friendly, the book boasts a full range of learning tools which include: Learning Objectives, Thinking Around the Subject boxes, Review Questions, and Activities.
The book provides detailed explanations in the context of core themes such as customer satisfaction, ethics, entrepreneurship, global business, and managing change.
By encouraging students to explore the challenges and opportunities managers face in the business environment, this text will provide students with a solid foundation from which to build upon their business knowledge.
This well-researched text examines the European Union and select European nations, and leads students to a full understanding of the structure and dynamics of specific industries, the impact of globalization on European companies, and the ...
Instead, diagrams and graphs illustrate the causal relationships between economic factors, making this book an ideal primer for those needing the basics of economics for their business degree.
Andrews, A. and Seib, C. (2009) 'Punch Taverns Delivers New Blow by Scrapping Dividend'. Times Online, (online) 4 September. Available at: leisure/article4670377.ece ...
This new edition of Organisations and the Business Environment provides a completely revised, extended and updated edition of the original successful text.
AXA operates primarily in Europe, North America, Asia Pacific but also in the Middle east, Africa, and Latin America. It has grown organically and through merger and acquisition. For example, in 2006 AXA acquired the Winterthur Group (a ...
New to this Edition: - An increased focus on sustainability, covering climate change, individual and societal wellbeing, good governance and financial stability - New pedagogical features, including mini-case studies, 'Shining a Light on ...
This book blends theory and practice to support courses in corporate social responsibility (CSR), business and society, and environmental management and sustainability.
The book entitled Business Environment is a comprehensive study and critical analysis of the roles of the various types of environment natural and technological, economic, political, social, industrial, financial, legal and international in ...