This Global Edition has been developed specifically to meet the needs of international finance students. It continues to offer substantial coverage of the recession and liquidity crisis that engulfed the global economies in the last few years and pays special attention to the banking sector and the critical need for funding that most businesses face. The emphasis on analytical approaches to international financial problems is intended to make the content more relevant and improve learning outcomes for the international student. Corporate Finance Foundations' thorough treatment of concepts and application combines with a complete digital solution to help your students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
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Step-by-step instructions and suggestions provide students with the information, guidelines, and forms to take them from the earliest stage of choosing a project to the final display of the projects at a cultural fair.
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Slack time for an event is the difference between the latest and earliest times for a given event. Thus, assuming everything else remains on schedule, the slack for an event indicates how much delay in reaching the event can be ...