This new edition sees updated discussion on current trends such as ethics and risk, as well new Real World Insight boxes which provide real life examples of corporate finance in practice.
... Wichita State University Alice Lee, San Francisco State University Cheng Few Lee, Rutgers University Jeong Lee, ... Fairleigh Dickinson University Brian Nichols, Missouri Southern State University Terry D. Nixon, Miami University ...
This book will helpany manager make better investment and financing decisions." —Steven Neil Kaplan, Neubauer Family Distinguished Service Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business ...
Even if the interest on a bond is well below market rates, a bond can still be attractive if it's sold at a heavy discount. If a bond is sold at a premium price, it can still be attractive if it has high interest rates.
This is not a book with obscureformulae, yet is still rigorous and at the same time a model ofclarity." —RICHARD ROLL, JOEL FRIED PROFESSOR OF APPLIED FINANCE ATUCLA ANDERSON
This book is the ideal introduction for anyone looking for a short yet scholarly overview of corporate finance.
"This book covers the theory and practice of Corporate Finance from a truly European perspective.
Sinclair does not. Eddie doesn't like Sinclair's highfalutin manners and Sinclair thinks Eddie is a little greasy: ideal conditions for a duel down at the track. Eddie draws first: 'Let's bet $100 on three races over at Belmont.
Others will want to read this book in order to learn more about some of the most eventful and exciting corporate transactions that make the headlines of the business pages.
Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance, by Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe and Jordan was written to convey the most important corporate finance concepts and applications as a level that is approachable to the widest possible...