If it's important for you to incorporate the scientific method into your teaching, this lab manual is the perfect fit. In every exercise there are scientific method boxes that provide students with insight into the relevance of the scientific method to the topic at hand. . The manual also includes In Greater Depth problems, a more challenging probe into certain issues. They are more quantitative in nature and require more in-depth, critical thinking, which is unique to this type of manual. .
Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology maintains a learning objective-driven approach throughout each chapter: The text provides readers with a structured learning path, tied to learning objectives with opportunities for readers to ...
The Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology
Instructor's Manual/test Manual to Accompany: Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, Fourth Ed
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.
This trusted book makes an often-complex subject accessible to readers with a strong focus on readability and illustrations.
Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, Ninth Edition : Instructor's Manual with Test Item File
La octava edición en dos volúmenes de Ciencias de la tierra, es un texto universitario para estudiantes que cursan su primer año de geología.
Study Guide for Putnam's Geology: Fourth Edition
Tangaroa TAN1312 Voyage Report: Dredging Reinga and Aotea Basins to Constrain Seismic Stratigraphy and Petroleum Systems (DRASP), NW New Zealand
Physical Geology