Title on CD-ROM: "The teachers, schools and society reader CD-ROM."
The author tells the stories of three such teachers ( Tom Tenerovich , Cathy Arment , and Dee Gibson ) . She also describes the work of two educational consultants ( Anne Price and Claudette Cole ) , who help school administrators ...
... reports fanned the flames of controversy regarding professionalism and teacher preparation, including one written by a group of prominent education deans. The Holmes Group, named for former Harvard Education Dean Henry H. Holmes, ...
The text stresses the importance of fairness and justice in school and society, focuses on the most crucial topic areas, and integrates the most current issues in education.
Teachers, Schools, and Society
Newly revised for this edition, Chapter 4 (Life in School and at Home) now includes obesity, eating disorders, and a revised section on poverty.
Teachers, Schools and Society
Combining the brevity of a streamlined Introduction to Education text with the support package of a much more expensive book, the brief edition of Teachers, Schools, and Society encourages experienced instructors to explore their own ...
The most reader friendly text in its field, the ninth edition presents a comprehensive overview of education in America.
This widely used text has been expanded to include the most important issues in contemporary schooling, including: New end-of-chapter sections for Further Reading.
The fourth edition of Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education encourages instructional creativity while providing practical teaching ideas for both new and experienced instructors.